Monica Oliveto (Pennsylvania, USA)

Stefi Marie (Bavaria, Germany)

Micha from Germany

“What you achieved in project colors up until now is much much more than anyone achieved I know of. You build up an award-winning organization from scrap, helped so many individuals, changed lives and put hope in many peoples hearts (not to sound cheesy) it is (or should be) an inspiration for everyone who knows ýou. Especially as I told my family and friends about the time there I realized how unique project colors (and probably you as well, as project colors definitely is a part of you) is how important it is for the people that it will continue. Working with you in the projects was one of the best experiences in my life. Best wishes to you and everyone over there”
Johannes (Germany 2012)

Johanna (Germany 2012)


Fanie Buys (AKA Funny)

I choose to Volunteer with COLORS as very few of the charities here locally in George give the projects the integrity and attention they deserve. Here in South Africa others have the culture of seeing a project as a problem and not as people is rife and that is why COLORS is different.
COLORS looks at projects as people and starts by giving them the integrity and respect they deserve and then the tools to help themselves out of poverty, which is the only way to break the cycle.
COLORS has also helped me grow and learn and become a better person, Volunteering for them has been an amazing experience and I hope to continue being a part of COLORS for as long as possible.”
Jesse (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Age 19)

Verena (Germany)

Anina Demmler (Germany)

Tafa (Zimbabway)

Carmelle (Congo, Age 17)

NINI (South Africa)

She also helps each month deliver the kids food supplies keeping everyone happy and full. The ladies and youth love Ninis workshops and we are blessed to have someone consistently helping us to keep the programs on track.


At just age 19, John was an inspiring addition to our COLORS team, as he truly cared for all the children he came in contact with using his musical talents to captivate and enlighten everyone around If you did not see the You Tube clip please click here: Imagine: I am ONE


Sylvie Furlong (Cambridge- United Kingdom) February –May 2010

I have met so many amazing people in the communities, and have loved experiencing the Xhosa culture, one that is far from anything I have experienced before.
Running the street dog project with Sunyata’s help and guidance was a highlight of my stay, it is so rewarding to see the dogs transform in front of you and then noticing the owners taking care of their dogs now makes it all worthwhile.
All of the projects that are happening here are incredible and are making such a huge difference, I am very sad to leave and will miss South Africa very much. Thank you so much Sunyata for allowing me to become a part of Project COLORS, and good luck to all of the volunteers in the future!
Sylvie (age 19)
Brittany Mcconeghy 2008-2009 South Africa

Maria from Norway: COLORS 1st International Intern

Here is a bit of what she had to say:
I came to South Africa, eager to work at the hospice and with the children of St. Mary’s Children’s Home. Having done nothing of the sort before, I knew not what to expect in my encounter with the children. I worried about how I would cope with the impoverished areas, and the various situations I was certain to experience.
Knowing that the children here have suffered in many different ways, I wondered: How do you help in a way that shows that you are genuine? How do you meet the children in their needs, and get to know them?
I learned a lot about Project COLORS International and the different projects they are organizing here. For instance, we brought two of the children to Sunyata’s house on one of the ‘going away’ weekends. We also went to the crèches of Thembalethu and delivered the nutrition mix Nutty Buddy to the kids. When she asked me to stay here a month longer then planned to fill in for her while she is in Canada, I could not resist the challenge.
I am thrilled for the ability to stay longer in South Africa, getting to know the children better and learning a lot about the different tasks that need to be done in COLORS. I’ve had an amazing time thus far, and I am looking forward to everything that the next month will bring me of ups and downs, experiences and challenges. Most importantly – I am grateful for the privilege. Maria.
Anke (Germany) Co-founders of Project COLORS International.

developing various projects to aid the children.
Matthew Whalen (Nova Scotia, Canada)

Matthew volunteered in Dominican Republic and South African project sites. He assisted by bringing donated supplies and coordinating sports activities for the children.
Caroline Swan (Nova Scotia, Canada)

Caroline worked with the children of Dominican Republic teaching daily ESL and art classes, taking the children on day trips, organizing care packages, medicating street dogs for parasites and teaching sports to children.
Eeva (Finland)

Eeva assisted the children of the Dominican Republic by developing her own project to get them the supplies needed for a children’s home.
Rebecca Martin-Fraser
Rebecca started her role with COLORS as South Africa Development Coordinating Officer at the CMSR Children’s Home & HIV/AIDS Hospice in George, South Africa. Her role there consisted of providing basic needs and resources through the development of recreational activities, EAL classes, mentorship programs, as well as a leadership and life-skill building program for at-risk youth.
Now a member of the board, she continues to provide support in Canada with editing, consulting, circulating promotional items and materials, coordinating and organizing fundraising events, and supporting the sponsorship campaign. Rebecca currently works at the Immigrant Settlement Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) as a Sector-Specific EAL Instructor, where she assists internationally educated engineers and nurses in their preparations for licensure in Nova Scotia.
Caroline Swans Color Volunteer Experience

I joined Project Colors International to take part in the Dominican Republic Project. Before beginning my journey I collected many supplies from local businesses such as dental necessities, sports equipment, children’s clothing, and cash donations. All of the donations went to the Dominicans in need, and my family supported my travels to the Dominican.
The need for support was immense due to the lack of water, electricity, and supplies. I worked daily at Tsidkenu Ministerio Orphanage.
It was located in the cracks of Santo Domingo without running water. I assisted Sunyata in teaching English classes, and spent time with the children. Daily, Sunyata and I took small groups
of orphan children on day trips which included special meals, an exercise walk, and an adventure of the child’s preference. I set up a sports program at Villa Bendicion Orphanage with the
recreational supplies donated. It was a chance for the children to travel to the near by university and exercise. I also took part in delivering supplies to an Orphanage in Nagua and a generator
to retrieve water for a helpless village outside of Santo Domingo. During the trip I met many welcoming people, and had the privilege of watching many sick and abused children survive and grow into beautiful souls. I experienced hardships and witnessed human suffering and animal abuse, but found love in the children’s eyes.
I developed an understanding for other cultures and a respect for life.
Christmas milk project for the kids in the orphanage – by Eeva Lahti

Project COLORS International
Send donations to:
83 Leslie Rd,
East Lawrencetown
Nova Scotia, B2Z 1P8