
Your gift makes all the difference in the world
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Monthly Contribution
You can now authorize PayPal to pay Project COLORS International each month. You can change or cancel a recurring donation anytime.
Project COLORS International
83 Leslie Rd, East Lawrencetown,
Nova Scotia, B2Z 1P8, Canada
Bank Transfer
Please contact us if you need to send a direct bank transfer.
E- transfers & E-mail:
E-gift Campaign
$30 Sponsorships : Shoes | 1st Aid Kits | Food | School Supplies | Animals

Celebrate a life – Donate in loved one’s name
To make a donation in the name of a loved one who has passed on,
please email us a photo and their name so we can highlight them on our page.
Send details to:
Project COLORS International
Send donations to:
83 Leslie Rd,
East Lawrencetown
Nova Scotia, B2Z 1P8