Global Health – First Aid Kits – Dental - Hygiene – Training
South Africa, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic have been the main focus of COLORS’ basic health care and dental assistance projects; however, our 1st aid kits have travelled even father having been distributed globally by traveling volunteers. COLORS proudly provides not only 1st aid kits, but also street kits, dental supplies, de-worming medications, and nutritional supplements to foster homes, orphanages and small informal preschools along with basic health training.
Food Security – Immune Boosting Nutrition
COLORS is dedicated to ensuring that malnourished pre-school aged children receive essential vitamins and immune boosting nutrients so that they are able learn and grow successfully. Project COLORS partners with local child care outlets to effectively provide food supplements and to further nutritional education to both children and their caretakers. In emergency situations, we also provide basic necessities such as clean water, milk, and fruit to further assist in the healthy development the children.

Addressing the immediate needs of those who we work with directly, whether it be renovating a small preschool, painting murals in an orphanage, buying shoes for school children, building a wheelchair ramp or collecting backpacks of educational supplies for toddlers starting primary.

Animal Well-being
Project COLORS has rehabilitated, treated, spayed and neutered dogs and cats from Dominican Republic to South Africa. We have also occasionally taken in wildlife over the years when there are no available options for their care. We take the opportunity of animal care to help educate children in the communities about the importance of caring for animals and being kind to them.
Youth Empowerment - Community Enrichment – Agents of Change
Our Youth Empowerment, Community Enrichment, and Agents of Change programs are designed to inspire youth to build their portfolios and resumes by volunteering, service learning, and skill building, and creating their own community-based projects. Training’s focus on women, youth, and children balancing both arts therapies with practical skill building, including sewing, bead work, painting, gardening and creating useful items from recycled materials.
Education Fund
Sponsorship education funds have made it possible to send children to school in Madagascar, to assist teachers in getting certified in child care in South Africa, and to allowing youth globally to engage in training relative to their fields of employment.
Past Projects
COLORS has been involved in hundreds and hundreds of community aid and international development projects world wide. With so many positive story’s to share, we have collected this assortment of our achievements to share with you.

Project COLORS International
Send donations to:
83 Leslie Rd,
East Lawrencetown
Nova Scotia, B2Z 1P8